Online Psychiatrist      

 Everything that you need to know to feel good just like before all this  started

Mental (Psychiatric) Disorders: are characterized by a combination of abnormal thoughts, perceptions, emotions, behavior and relationships with others, can be prevented and are treatable. 

Dr Vikas Gaur (M.D Psychiatry)

Dr Vikas Gaur MBBS, M.D Psychiatry   

Screening tests / quiz for various mental disorders. 

These quizzes / screening tests can help you in determining whether you might have any psychiatric problem that needs professional attention. The results of these quizzes / screening tests are not meant to be a diagnosis however you can share the results with your doctor. For proper diagnosis, please consult a psychiatrist near you in person.

Screening Quiz for psychiatric disorders in Children for parents.

(These tests are not meant to be a diagnosis. Please consult a doctor near you for proper diagnosis )